Decades ago, the United Galactic Federation (UGF) discovered a distant planet which showed signs of life. Upon discovery, the UGF assigned representative Shulmim Kleilnud to study this planet with the hope of inviting its inhabitants to join the Federation. For a year, Kleilnud studied the planet, Earth, from afar. After their year of study, Shulmim provided their reports to the High Council. The reports stated that Earth was far too primitive to meet the standards of the Federation. Since this particular situation had never occurred before, the High Council decided to pave way for a new process.
Ultimately, the High Council decided to create a process to assist planets like Earth in growing to meet the standards of the Federation. However, this new process would be too arduous of a task for a single team. Thus, the High Council proposed that the entire Federation would be involved in aiding their future friend, Earth, by playing a game. They named it S2V2.
Re-Release Date: TBD
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